Thursday, June 16, 2011

I had the BIGGEST cheering section!

(Running in Leadore)

Yep my family loves me!
Thank you all for coming!

Well it is the IHSRA state rodeo this entire week.
I made it to state in barrel racing 2nd place in my district.
I got a pretty little buckle and everything(:

Well on tuesday I had my first run at state and a lot of my relatives came to watch me!
And after I turned third on my run home...
Well lets just say they cheered really loud and...

I ran 17.8 seconds on the 1st go and 18 flat the 2nd go
Way to go Sonny! (My horse) <3

I have another run tomorrow morning wish me luck and i will keep you posted!

Again thank you so much for coming made my WHOLE week!
I love you all! <3


  1. i am so so so sad i wasn't there. but i'm so proud of you! good job!

  2. you are welcome, lady! wouldn't have missed it! you did such a good little cowgirl! two words: cattle prodder! haha! love ya!

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